Walking into the auditorium so familiar to me, there was something so different tonight. Men and women in uniform were visibly present. Many churches from our community gathered together to honor the officers who lost their lives Sunday in Baton Rouge. Our state. Our capital. Our familiar streets. Our country. Our world. . . again.
Our Personal Missions
Much of the time spent hanging out in my head is wondering how God loves me – you know – me? really? I wonder…is it because He just doesn’t know me that well? But I know that I know that I know that I know – it is the very opposite. It is because He
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Heart Problems
There is evil in this world. The darkest of darkness we all want to believe cannot exist. It does exist and the darkness grows each time we give it space. There are places we don’t want to go – things we don’t want to acknowledge – beyond our comprehension of evil. Let’s pretend it can’t
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I Am A Sheep of Your Pasture
I took this picture in Spain while driving from Antequera to Malaga. It took my breath away. Pulling over, rolling my window down – my breath stilled, my heart overwhelmed. Many of the sheep in the pasture had bells around their necks – there were probably a thousand sheep . . . . . .
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First Responders
Awhile back, on a beautiful south Louisiana Sunday afternoon, one of my sons and grandson were involved in an accident on their way to meet me. Praise be to God our Father, the arms that wrapped around them during the accident and the hand of God as the accident played out in a way that
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Just Because
It is real. We need to quit feeling like we are failures. We need to quit feeling unloved. Our God loves us so much, He put a piece of himself deep in the center of us when He created us. Now that’s love. Lean into Him. That’s where the peace comes from. That’s where we
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All Those Lives
Two lives – at least. God designed us to live one life. There are two ways of thinking about that. We are born. We live until we die. Or We live one life at work one at home and another . . . {you fill in the blanks}. The other life is the
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Saturday and Sunday
I realized I have many of you who don’t follow my page on Facebook and wanted to share my posts with you today. These complete my Lent through Easter 2016 thoughts, prayers and hopes for a future with us all moving closer to God. It has been a hard year. Do you feel as though
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From Dark to Light
Fear not. “Nana, are you ever scared?” Laura’s quiet voice – from the other side of the bed. Before I could think of the best way to answer, “Nana, tell me the truth, really. I’ve never asked you this before and I want to know.” “Yes, love, I have been scared.” “What scares you?”