Saturday and Sunday

I realized I have many of you who don’t follow my page on Facebook and wanted to share my posts with you today. These complete my Lent through Easter 2016 thoughts, prayers and hopes for a future with us all moving closer to God. It has been a hard year. Do you feel as though the world is getting smaller and more confusing as the days pass?

Join me today – let’s be the ones who make a difference. Be different. Move differently through your/my days – I’m talking as much to myself here. Let’s be the piece of the world that makes people wonder what makes us different.


covington cemetary

Saturday is silent. I took this picture this morning at a local cemetery. I’ve been thinking a lot about the silence of Saturday. After all tension, tragedy and trauma Jesus’ followers experienced in the week leading up to Saturday, it must have been hard when it felt like it was all over. Emotions drained. Were they waiting for something or was the world right – had it all ended with Jesus’ last breath on the cross? I have often felt in times of overwhelming stress that I was waiting for something but all I was hearing was silence. It is easy to forget Sunday is almost here.


Tomb in Israel - into darkness into light


I took this picture in Israel in 2012. It is a tomb someone constructed on the side of the road. It is of symbolic significance only – a reminder. I’m grateful for every reminder that draws my heart and mind back to the Easter Sunday that year when the stone was rolled away and our world was forever changed. The law – replaced by love, grace, forgiveness, redemption and a personal relationship with our God who lives with us, around us and the most incredible gift of all – lives within us. May this day bring the importance of remembering front and center to us and sustain that awareness through every day to come.


Author: Janet Reeger

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