Remember Me

Our flag holds a billion memories. Give yourself some time today to reflect on yours. In every season, through good times and bad, we depend on the Independence we experience and our God who sets us free.

Remember me.

I often look at my eight grandchildren who range in age from 2-19 and wonder, what will you remember about me? What will be the stories you tell your kids about us?

And I ponder the memories I had of my grandparents. Grandparents who lived across the yard from me until I left for college and others who lived five miles across the way.

I remember Memorial Day and the Fourth of July being huge celebrations with picnics planned and lots of fun family time.

But. First. On Memorial day we would load flowers and flags into our car and head out across the several miles to the cemetery where our great uncles were laid to rest beside their wives. There was an honor we learned as we stood by them. As little kids, we tried to read their names. 

As we grew older, we knew the names on the tombstones personally. We actually had memories of some of them being in our lives and attending their funerals. Growing up, Dad and Mom would load all five of us in the car on Sunday afternoons and off we would go on a route that took us past their homes. If he thought they were home, we would stop in and visit. Without checking our calendars and figuring out which date agreed with both of us, those were good days.

Oh, the memories of sitting in those metal chairs that bounced more than rocked with the design fanning out across the back. I remember climbing giant trees in their yards. Weeping willows gently swaying in the wind.

I remember sitting on a bench in Aunt Ollie’s house. The bench was near the window and African violets were blooming their hearts out to the light shining through the lace curtains.

They raised my dad after his mother died when he was seven. I remember stories of him growing up.

But. I never remember a single story from them about the war they served in or the experiences they had and what they saw.

On my mom’s side, her older uncles served in WW1 also. One uncle sailed in the Great White Fleet with Teddy Roosevelt. 

The memories fade generation by generation of the World Wars in the early/mid 1900’s.

But we have experienced several major wars since then. I don’t know how to best honor those who have served. I pray when I read stories of the families. I pray when I see another loss.

The price of being able to pray, to gather, to tend to the gravestones of those who have served and the freedom to write our stories and create memories with our children and grandchildren have all come at a cost. I never want to forget their sacrifice or take freedom for granted. 

Today, as we near Independence Day, may we honor the men and women who have made their choice to serve.  May God be with them. May God guide and protect them. May we honor our Independence by living lives in appreciation.

May we remember our God who created this world. May we remember He created us as individuals with gifts specific to us. May we look in the mirror every morning and see the beautiful us as He sees us.

May we honor Him. May we serve Him by loving as He loved us and forgiving as He has forgiven us.

The grave holds the men and women who died serving our country but no grave held Jesus who sacrificed everything so we can live eternally with Him.

I pray we always remember John 3:16. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.”

My prayer for the future is that when my grandchildren remember me and speak of me to their kids, that they will always begin with how I loved God and how I loved them.

“Father, God, please hear our prayers as we remember the losses that history reveals to us. May we be drawn to You, the One who will replace those losses with joy one day when we all come to heaven to You. May we honor the freedom we have on this earth and always remember the freedom we have as Your children to choose You for eternity. We praise You, Father. We love You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

To Him be the glory forever and ever,


Beginning July 1, I will be posting daily encouragement through scripture and prayer. Joyful July is about finding joy in everyday living. Not just the highs and the lows – the valleys and the mountaintops – but in every place you walk and every step you take.

You can find me on Facebook and Instagram. Be sure to check out the link for my first published book “Between the Valley and the Mountaintop – Glimpses of God in the Middle Places.”

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Author: Janet Reeger

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