Where There is Light

       This cross stands at the side of a small church in a remote village in Honduras.

I’ve shared some of these photos on my social media accounts over the years. Comments on my posts vary. One day, a person stated they never asked Jesus to get on the cross for them and they didn’t see why they should care about Him.

Seldom do I get comments like this. But I have been thinking about the comment, and the person who made it. They are right. If I knew nothing at all about Jesus, these might be my words. I wish I could sit and have coffee with this person. I wish I could hear the rest of their story. And maybe they would be willing to hear mine.

I would like them to know there is another way to do life where Jesus’ death on the cross comes bringing eternal Light and Life with Him.


I took this picture of a tomb constructed on the side of the road outside of Jerusalem. It’s a beautiful reminder of the empty tomb.

When you are left with nothing, with an emptiness that turns out all light and you are blind in the darkness, that is when the world walks away. No hope. No community. No one standing beside you. 

You get to choose the next step you will take. Only you.

Succumb to the darkness or become a warrior fighting for light which will lead you to Light. The empty tomb was dark but when the women went that Sunday morning to tend to the tortured  and dead body of Jesus, they were worried about how they would roll back the stone from the tomb. To their surprise, it was open and when they entered, they found a young man dressed in white.

Mark 16:6-7 “Don’t be afraid. I know you’re looking for Jesus the Nazarene, the One they nailed on the cross. He’s been raised up; he’s here no longer. You can see for yourselves that the place is empty. Now – on your way. Tell his disciples and Peter that he is gong on ahead of you  to Galilee. You’ll see him there, exactly as he said.” The Message

The women expected a decaying body of a dead Jesus but found an empty tomb. This is the beauty of the story of the resurrection. 

When darkness threatens us, we expect the worst. 

When we turn to God, God will surprise us every time.

His presence will come into your darkness when you come looking for Him. We don’t find a decaying body of the old us, we are made new. The dead parts of us are gone. We find a living hope of Light. The Light of Jesus moves into every single corner of us, dispelling the darkness and taking the lies that live there with it.

We are set free – for eternity.

Experiencing the Light changes us – we become Light seekers. The darkness no longer holds power over us and the freedom in the Light brings an eternal, spiritual hope that shuts out the darkness of this world. We can live in joy, with hope and love.


“Lord, Father God, bringer of Light, of Hope and Eternal life. We praise You Father. We love You. May we be the Light of Your presence to this dark world we live in. May we bring Your hope everywhere we go. May we exude Your love and presence in us. May the world see the hope when hope is so hard to find. May we put our hope in You and You alone Lord. Give us courage. Give us opportunity. Give us Your words of life to share with the world we live in today. We love You Lord. Amen.”


Author: Janet Reeger

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