The Alligator and The Dragonfly

Isaiah 11:6-9

Wolves will live with lambs. 

Leopards will lie down with goats. 

Calves and lions will eat together. 

And little children will lead them around. 

Cows will eat with bears. 

Their little ones will lie down together. 

And lions will eat straw like oxen. 

A baby will play near a hole where cobras live. 

A young child will put his hand into a nest 

where poisonous snakes live. 

None of those animals will harm or destroy anything or anyone 

on my holy mountain of Zion. 

The oceans are full of water. 

In the same way, the earth will be filled 

with the knowledge of the Lord. 

We speak of and dream of peace. 

Is there a single person on this earth who wouldn’t choose peace over chaos? Maybe. But, I believe most of us are seekers of peace.

“Nana – look at awigator. Wook at his eye. (gasp) Wook – dwagonfwy.” My 2.5 year old grandson was so excited. I was too. Snapping multiple pics, I kept praying the image would be captured. It was overwhelming to me. Such a powerful image. 

As soon as we came into the house, he wanted to see the pictures. When we found this one, it was a wow moment. He was so excited. (Me too!)

Can you believe the contrast between the power of the alligator who is about 8ft long and the tiny orange dragonfly about 2 inches long? 

Conflict is divisive. I wonder so often – if we truly sat down together and sifted through all the pieces of the conversations swirling around us – if all that was cleared away – I believe we all want the same thing. Hope. Peace. Justice. Families whole. Healing. Freedom from addictions. Freedom from mental struggles. Kindness. Love.

Keep making this list and add what applies in your life. 

Sometimes, we are the alligator in the conversation and sometimes we are the dragonfly.

The thing is – we have an enemy. But, one day all these differences and conflicts will be laid aside, we will all be healed and like the alligator and the dragonfly, exist in peace. 

Our prayers will be answered – not an “if” but a “when” – in God’s timing.

Believing the word of God to be whole and true, I have the assurance that one day, all that clutter and confusion will be cleared away. The scripture above is a promise I know will be fulfilled one day as the knowledge of the Lord fills the earth.  The scripture below affirms what was written centuries before. God’s word is such a precious gift.

Revelation 21:3-5

I heard a loud voice from the throne. It said, “Now God

makes his home with people. He will live with them. They

will be his people. And God himself will be with them and be

their God. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes.

There will be no more death or sadness. There will be no

more crying or pain. Things are no longer the way they

used to be.” 

He who was sitting on the throne said, “I am making

everything new!” Then he said, “Write this down. You can

trust these words. They are true.” 

“Lord, we come before You. We beg You to hear our prayers as we battle the divisions here on earth. We know You are the answer to resolving the deep divisions we are living in these days. We pray Lord for You to use us as we reflect Your love to the world through every word we speak and every action we take. Use us Lord. To You be the glory, forever and ever. Amen.”

Praying peace,


Author: Janet Reeger

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