All Things

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Often when someone calls and is facing a crisis, (many times that’s me in the mirror) and my first response is to think of how we can “fix” “it”. What can instantly be done to help, intercede or provide guidance through the crisis? How can we make this ok and make it go away so we can resume our normal life? Quickly seeking to move past this bump in the road and make it a temporary inconvenience, we just want to remove its power over us.

But the past few years are teaching me a deeper truth. Time, money, jumping in with both feet determined to solve the crisis or even avert it, is the wrong way. It’s not even close when we believe God is our sovereign God. When we believe every word written in scripture, when the red letters representing Jesus’ words are written on our hearts and we live as His precious children, we have a better option.

My phone rang early Easter morning. My son calling, I assumed, to confirm where to meet at church later. “Mom”, he said and I held my breath. I knew that tone and I knew his next words would not be about church. “Mom – J was on duty this morning and he was shot mom. He’s in surgery right now. Oh, God, Mom. This is so awful!” I could barely breathe. And then my mind started its natural response. What to do – how fast could I get to the hospital – how can I help – what can I do?

My son was getting ready to head to the hospital and I felt my body relax and my breathe pace itself. “Jon, we need to pray.” And as I prayed I knew we were doing the very best for our friend. I knew God was in that operating room and in the focus of the doctors and I knew that by turning all over to God that we had the peace of knowing He was there in the waiting room with J’s wife. 

I will never forget the feeling when the elevator doors opened and I faced a sea of uniformed officers filling the room and the emotion and the fear and the community that filled that room was powerful. Yet, the greatest power in the room was the presence of God. Likely many were not aware, but I felt Him and listening to everyone talking quietly, I continued my prayers silently. It was deep and rich knowing that my son and I had given our very best to the tragic event. Praying filled both of us. 

It’s no secret that we want to help, but, big BUT, when we respond before praying, we are not giving our best. No matter how much we love the person on the other end of the phone call or sitting across the table or walking beside us, we are not giving our best. There are hundreds of scriptures that assure us God is listening. He tells us repeatedly how much He loves us. We just have to speak our fears, worries and anxieties to Him. He wants us to bring this life of struggle to Him.

I’ve become more intentional in this as I see how more and more life and living is definitely out of my control. I don’t like feeling helpless. Do you? And that, my friends, has become my trigger initiating my prayer response. It has to become my first response.

J was released from the hospital a few days ago facing a long rehab. If you think of him, please pray for God to be very present in J’s healing. 

Can I encourage you today to face everything that feeds your anxious thoughts, your fears and that crummy feeling of being helpless and bring all that to God?

Philippians 4:13      I CAN do all things THROUGH Him who strengthens me!

To God be the glory. Forever and ever!


Author: Janet Reeger

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