We are all on the same page as 2020 closes out, agreeing that this has been an incredibly challenging year.
But I want to challenge you to examine the challenges you have faced.
Have you lost a loved one? Are broken relationships still a reality? are our children making good decisions as they are raising our grandchildren? Has fear crept in around the edges of our thoughts and how we respond to the issue of the day?
Many times as I write, I am speaking to myself and the questions I just asked you are all a reality in my own life.
The next question I would like to ask is this – “how and where have you seen God in the midst of 2020 and all it’s chaos?
What if at the end of 2021 we realized how amazing this year of 2020, even with its challenges, has been. What if our focus kept our eyes on Jesus and our relationship with him in new ways? There have been many times, looking back, I have discovered the blessings in the trials I have walked through. What if we discover how many lessons we learned in 2020 prepared us for 2021?
God is good beyond our understanding.
A few weeks ago Jupiter and Saturn put on quite a show. I heard many people refer to it as the Bethlehem star. The light was beautiful. I am amazed that God’s plan sent Jesus to earth as a human. Our baby God in flesh.
Isaiah 9:6a “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given.
The Light of the star that night led the shepherds and the wisemen to Him when He came to us here on earth. When Jesus left this earth, He left the Light with us. In us.
I have had several experiences where strangers have commented to me their observation of the Light in me. After a presentation I made one evening, a woman came straight to me from across the room. “Janet, your were glowing as you spoke. I want what you have”, she exclaimed.
I believe she saw “The Light” of the Holy Spirit in me and recognized it. It wasn’t about me, but about me allowing the Light to thrive and shine into the room that evening That was an eye opening experience, not the Light of Jesus because I know His Light is always with me – but realizing others saw Him in me was so humbling. I felt how much He loves me in deeper ways that day.
There are so many ways and so many times I have felt a lack of confidence in that Light and not allowed it to “glow”.
The world has brought its best game of our lives this year of 2020. Many have felt the cloak of darkness threatening to shroud the Light of our Holy Spirit within us. It has been hard to say goodbye to our loved ones. It has been hard to watch as politics and medical opinions have divided our families. Concerns for the safety and well being of our grandchildren and broken relationships belong in the hands of Jesus waiting to carry those burdens.
There have been times this year when I could barely pray and I turned to the prayers in scripture.
David’s Prayer –
1 Chronicles 29:10-16
Therefore David blessed the Lord in the presence of all the assembly. And David said “Blessed are you, O Lord, the God of Israel our father, forever and ever. Yours, O Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty for all that is in the heavens and in the earth is yours. Yours is the kingdom, O Lord, and you are exalted as head above all. Both riches and honor come from you and you rule over all. In your hand are power and might, and in your hand it is to make great and to give strength to all. And now we thank you, our God, and praise your glorious name.
This is my current favorite prayer in scripture. David’s prayer of praise. When I am overwhelmed, I know I can turn to these words and praying praise to God shifts that burden in me and I recognize Him taking it from me. Peace is possible in these turbulent times.
In the days of fake news coming from every side, let us focus on the truth of God’s word. Let us stay grounded in God’s words to us and grow closer to Him through all things.
Because when we look for Him, we will always find Him.
Here’s to taking what we have learned through 2020 and going boldly into 2021 knowing God will lead us and never fail us. That we may remember the lessons we learned as we have seen God in all things, with gratitude.
And, most of all, throw off that cloak of darkness hovering about us and let our Lights shine, because where there is Light, darkness cannot exist!
Rejoice as the shepherds and the wisemen rejoiced those nights they met the baby Jesus – the greatest Light of all – now living in us.
Matthew 5:16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.
Accept the challenges you have faced in 2020 and ask God to show you what lessons you need to have learned from them and how to be stronger because of them.
There is no guarantee that 2021 is going to be the return to what many proclaim to be “normal”, but there is every guarantee that our mighty and loving God will be the source of Light we need to present His Light to our world around us.
”Father, God, thank You for being so present in our lives. We pray moving into a new year that You will use us to best let others see Your presence in our lives and desire the same relationship with You. May we carry Your Light into every conversation and each interaction we encounter every day. Use us Lord to bring others to know You. We love You Lord and thank You for the love, forgiveness and redemption Your Son brought to us when He came as that tiny baby. May we always be Light seekers and serve You all of our days. Amen”