It is easy in our broken state to shun people’s comments and those voices we hear saying “you should do . . .”. “you need to . . .” “you deserve to feel this way . . . “.
Complete the list by filling in all the things your “helpful” people were trying to offer.
The thing is – they spoke those words never having lost a loved one – never having suffered through divorce, the trauma of alcoholism, drug abuse and mental illness. They spoke those words to you from a life they presented as perfect.
Truth is – there are probably more than a few times I was that person – in my former life.
Before I knew.
Before my world came tumbling down and I knew Jesus like I know Him now.
Jesus spoke to the wounded, broken and afraid, sick and suffering, He knew.
He knew what it was like when he was a very small child and his family had to flee to Egypt to escape the death threats against Him.
He knew what it was like to be tempted by satan himself – offering every earthly treasure available to man.
He knew what it felt like to be betrayed by His inner circle and to have a friend die.
He knew what it felt like to be lied about, tortured and left to die. I’ve experienced one out of three – how about you?
He allowed Himself to be placed on that cross.
But when the tomb was discovered empty – He defied all earthly logic.
He taught love. He taught forgiveness. He spoke into doubt – gently and lovingly as He watched the realization of truth sink in.
He has watched as loved ones walked away.
But I learned how we too can survive. Once we make peace with the fact that this is not an eternal existence for us – here on this earth – we look at people differently. We see their brokenness. We see their fear. We see what motivates them.
And we link all that back to the example Jesus gave us – how He forgives, loves and heals. I have learned to trust Jesus’ words because He has experienced the very things I struggle with. He is God – I am not. But I am His.
And because we have experienced that forgiveness, love and healing – the world looks a whole lot different than it used to.
It feels a whole lot better too.
This Christmas season – I am grateful for baby Jesus who came, knowing what He faced and left leaving an eternal hope for us.
Peace in this season,