“For he is good,
for his steadfast love
endures forever,”
2 Ch 5:13 ESV
In another version, 2 Chronicles 5:13-14, NiRv, read how the writer describes what is happening.
The trumpet players and singers made music together
as if they were only one voice. They praised the Lord.
They gave thanks to him. Some of them played their trumpets,
cymbals and other instruments.
The others raised their voices to praise the Lord.
They sang,
“He is good.
His faithful love continues forever.”
Then a cloud filled the temple of the Lord.
The priests couldn’t do their work because of it.
The glory of the Lord filled God’s temple.
They sang and made music together as if they were only one voice. This is amazing to me. In worship, in thanksgiving and praise everyone worshiped. They praised the Lord.
Acknowledging His goodness and the extent of His love, they sang – together as one voice.
Can you imagine?
These words create such a visual and powerful scene of worship.
One voice. What if for one day we could all praise and give thanks for the opportunity we have been given to pause and know how powerful the presence of God is and how much we have to be thankful for.
What would that pause look like?
Today, I choose to focus on the blessings and thanksgivings I have in my life.
I choose to be focused on God’s presence in my life.
My people. Friends and family.
The second verse in this passage rocks my heart.
God came down to them in a cloud and it was so incredible the priests could not even do their work.
I wait for the day to be in the presence of God.
But while I wait, I give thanks.
Enjoy your day – be blessed.
Be full of what truly matters – God’s love for us.