Cross of Junk
On the side of an old volcano in a place I know in Honduras, a ten-foot cross stands beside a curve in the road and is easily missed or never noticed. It blends in because it is made of old rusty car parts. There is a small sign near it: “Cruz de Chatarra” – Cross of Junk.
In conversation one day, my friend asked if I had ever been to it. I hadn’t realized it was a destination – just thought it was a cool cross on the side of the road. He was so enthusiastic about it, so we got in the truck and headed off to see.
We turned there on that tiny, deeply rutted path that none of us would call a road. I was driving and kept asking him if he was sure this was right. The grin on his face said it all. He knew me well and couldn’t wait to show me his discovery.
Winding around and up the mountain, following the cow path and the narrow trail, the view became increasingly dramatic – vista opening up to over 180 degrees. Finally, he told me to turn right. As I did, I understood his excitement.

There out on the point of the ridge in front of us was another cross – this one about 25 feet tall – also made of old rusty car parts but with broken mirrors, fans blowing in the wind, a heart in the center, a few more crosses integrated into the design – proclaiming the work of many hands – the dream of a few architects as described on the plaque beneath.
I fell in love with this place.
To the far left you can see the mountains of La Tigra – the National Forest and Park that reaches 7,500 feet in elevation, hosting a cloud forest in its depths. Beneath it in the basin surrounded by lesser mountains sits Tegucigalpa- the capital city.
This spot on earth sits on the edge of the plain where the wind blows up from the Pacific Ocean. The wind always blows – explaining why well over a hundred windmills have been built here.
This point on the mountain looks far to the right towards the Pacific Ocean and El Salvador. On a clear day you can see both.
The group that chose this location to bring the world to their project knew the perfect place.
I have been with many groups over the years since and watched as they too have fallen in love with this place.
Growing up in a Christian environment I have always been exposed to the concept of coming to the foot of the cross, bringing my burdens and laying them down there.
Standing at the foot of this cross opens my heart and soul to the enormity of God’s creation as I look at the mountains, feel the warmth of the sun and the chilling wind, listening to the birds and often cows mooing nearby, smells of the food cooking in the caretakers house – knowing without a doubt this is what makes my world complete – all my senses awake in the presence of everything my Creator uses to draw me nearer to Him.
Many devotionals have been held here – many songs sung – many prayers uttered – tears shed.
It is one of the spots on this earth I feel nearer to God – where my soul comes to rest – becoming still – filling with His peace.
Recently I was privileged to take someone there who had never been before. It never grows old – sharing it with a friend. We stayed for awhile – talking to the children who live there now – scratching the ears of the donkey who relentlessly followed us – looking at the harvest of the corn crop the parents were in the field picking – the children shelling it to save it for winter coming soon – a soccer game nearby – the sun setting quickly bringing the late light of the day – and it was time to go.

And… I leave – looking forward to the next time I return – with another friend maybe – with a group – maybe – memories of bringing my mom here – lots of good stuff…
And… yet isn’t it always like that when we take time to come to the foot of the cross and spend time with our Lord there – embracing His sacrifice – wrapping ourselves up in His love for us?
And… isn’t it always a remarkable experience when we bring friends there to share it with us? Sometimes the proverbial foot of the cross is wherever we might be standing and sometimes the literal, physical presence of the cross is where we find ourselves.
Jesus meant for the message of hope to be shared and yet it is never better shared than when we have had our private time there – filling up with the spirit of hope and praise and the love we know as we allow God to remove our sins and renew us as His.
I Timothy 1:14 Grace mixed with faith and love poured over me and into me. And all because of Jesus. The Message
Matthew 28:28-30 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” NIV
If you are confident in your faith – be bold and share it . . .
If your faith feels weak these days – ask God to draw you near . . .
If you have no faith and one day find yourself wondering . . . what might it all be about . . . become a seeker . . . and be prepared for the journey of a lifetime!
this is beautiful. I love that place. seeing your mama made me smile:)
Thank you Lynne – It makes me smile too.