Light of the World – Part Two

Continuing my light conversations, here are the next three. I pray great peace will fall into the parts of your hearts that need it the most. Open yourself to the possibility of allowing God to move into those recesses you have kept hidden from Him. Be sure to subscribe to the blog.



Light intrigues me. It illuminates. It dispels darkness. It reflects. Without light, there can be no reflection. Have you ever seen darkness reflect? Me either. This scripture rocked my world last night when I stumbled upon it. I have read it before – I had to have. I’ve studied Proverbs many times over the years. But I must have been in a hurry and glanced right over this one or I wasn’t in a place in my life that it registered. Today it stops me right in my tracks. My focus is on Light these days. With out Light there is no reflection. Reflection brings things right back at me. I can often see things differently from a new angle or perspective. I don’t want to miss the opportunities to learn and grow. But when I look at what’s in my heart – this is the most important reflection of all because what I put in my heart comes out of me. It is how people see me – often in ways I don’t see myself. It determines my talk. My thought processes. My choices. Who I serve. We all serve something. We choose. I choose God – the one and only God. It is a tough journey. But it isn’t traveled alone. I want to pay closer attention to what’s going in me because it will determine what comes out. I want to reflect kindness. Hope. Forgiveness. Grace. Love. And a strength that Janet isn’t capable of. One that comes from filling myself up in relationship with Jesus. Think about it. What does your heart reflect about you?



When we installed a gate at our camp, the most logical solution to powering it was to connect a solar panel to provide the electricity for it to function. It’s really great – when it works. It had to be placed at the best angle to have access to the most sunlight to store up the power it needed. It’s a small gate so it doesn’t require much. But – when we forgot to trim the trees and the bamboo grew out over it – blocking access to the sun – it didn’t seem like such a good idea. Then there are the storm clouds that block the sun. Then it needs cleaned. The panel can’t provide power because it had lost its source of energy. Here’s what I have learned. I’m the only thing that will block my connection to the everlasting Light God promises us. Storms threaten to disconnect us from our power source. It’s real. Cleaning? That’s a whole other thought. Goodness. I have to get out of my own way and stay close to God. Do you ever find yourself getting in your own way? I sure do. As I feel my connection weakening, at this point in my life – the 60’s are teaching me a lot – I stop and quickly turn to God. It’s what I’m learning more about each day. Let’s go – into the world – empowered by the everlasting Light and God’s glory.



Light scatters the darkness. I was driving home on this narrow little country road in Mississippi the other night. As I came around the corner on a familiar part of the road, I stopped. Seldom do I drive it at night. My first thought was being thankful I had strong headlights. But as I looked at this scene, I was overwhelmed by the power of the darkness. Seriously. Overwhelmed. No fear. Just full of an awareness of how powerful light is. Just as the darkness of the world threatens an impending doom these days, Jesus walks into that darkness and in ways my headlights, no matter how powerful, never will, the darkness is pushed away. We see clearly and even though the darkness is powerful, it will never take away the Light. May Jesus be the source of your Light these days. John 2:5

“Lord, we come before You, humbly, loving Your presence in our lives. Thank You for how grand You love us. Thank You for the example You give us. With much love, Your children. Amen”

Author: Janet Reeger

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