The Beauty of Still

At first I didn’t see her standing there. She was still – so still for a five year old. Her head moved back and forth ever so slightly. She became aware of me standing there and smiled.

“What are you doing sweet girl?” I asked. “Oh – I’m looking for God.” She spoke softly.

She turned from me, into the strong wind blowing long blond curls back from her face.   On the back porch of our camp, high above the creek, out in the woods, we stood there – no words needed.

But this day, it was the stillness of a five-year-old that captured my heart.

The sweetness of that moment was – well – just that – sweet.

Looking for God.

This is more than just a grandmother’s words, sharing another grandchild story.

This is a truth.

The moment was so brief.

But it was good.

This is a season of busyness. There is so much to be done. It is so easy to lose sight and forget God and what is going on around us.

It isn’t so much that we forget God – it is that we forget to stop – just for a few seconds and look for Him.

Stop – ever so briefly and look around you. It might be in a smile of a stranger. Maybe a quick hug from one of the kiddos around you. Maybe an extra kiss for everyone coming and going from home today. A word of gratitude or a word of thanks.

Ok – me? I’m scratching my dog’s ears as he lies beside me on the couch snoring away.

In the middle of the city and in the quiet of the woods – God is there – God is here.

NYC 14 edit


cabin creek

Remember how much He loves us – He sent Jesus – His son – to this earth to bring us back home to Him one day.

What a beautiful season it is – indeed! Even among the chaos – as you feel it creeping in – take a few seconds and look for yourself and find God there. He’s just waiting on us.

Lord, we ask You this morning to walk through this day with us. We pray, Lord, for the purposeful intent to look harder for You today. May we learn to stop and be still, even for a moment, to see You around us. May we be as a small child in that quest. This world keeps getting harder and harder and the distractions and frustrations of the news and the injustice in this world grow – please God, show us how to see You clearer and to be a reflection of You in our actions, conversations and journey today and every day. In Jesus’ name we pray – Amen.”

 Please feel free to share your stories about how you have seen God around you today. Let’s encourage each other and together we CAN make a difference in a very hurting world. It is so easy to believe the lies that there is nothing we can do. I pray we stop listening to the lies and seek God more diligently and we will change at least our little corner of space on this really big earth.

Because Jesus loves me and us – this I know…

Love – Janet

Author: Janet Reeger

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